Tuesday, March 14, 2006

First Post


We have a LOT to cover in this issue of the KB0OXD CyberShack News because there have been a LOT of changes recently and we haven't updated the KB0OXD CyberShack News in quite some time.

First and foremost, is the name change. We WERE known simply as "Radio KB0OXD" However, events forced us to change the name to something more "contemporary and modern", but yet still reflected the true spirit and meaning of the site.

Also, we've added a new feature to the site. And you're looking at it now (NOTE TO TEXT READERS - Scroll down to the links below). We have added video go our website so you can WATCH this newscast as you're getting updated. It is available in RealVideo here on the site and in Windows Media format via Lycos VideoCenter We wish to thank the folks at Lycos for offering this FREE service. Just click on your desired bitrate below (the bitrate is designed to match YOUR connection to the Internet. Please choose the right one that corresponds to the speed at which you are connected to the Internet at).

We have also been experimenting with Webcam software and have found the EarthCam software to be the closest to what we want (which is to put the live image RIGHT ON THE WEBSITE!!). to view our LIVE webcam, just click on the EarthCam logo on the main page and that will take you DIRECTLY to our cam page. DO TAKE NOTE THAT I AM **NOT** ON THE CAM 24/7 AND THE IMAGE YOU ARE SEEING IS A **PRE-RECORDED** ONE!!!! However, do feel free to leave a message or hang around until I am online (this site news update will also be included on our cam page as well).

Of course, If you know of software that does this even BETTER than EarthCam TV does, PLEASE Email Me and I will look into it.

We have TWO new Interactive Partners station. See the KB0OXD Cybershack Partners page for full details.

Speaking of our new Interactive Partners the KB0OXD Cybershack website will undergo a facelift. This facelift will be used to clean up the main page as well as eliminate old and outdated pages and links. It will also bring the KB0OXD Cybershack website more in line with those of our Interactive Partners We expect to unveil the new look soon. Stay tuned.

Want to leave a message, but just don't want to bother with opening your email program to do it??? Then the KB0OXD CyberShack ICQ Panel is for you. It doesn't matter what your message is. Just follow the onscreen instructions and press the SEND button. That's it!! You don't even need to have ICQ to do it. However, if you wish to have a copy of the world's best instant messaging software, click on the arrow below

We also plan to add panels for AOL Instant Messenger and the Yahoo! Pager in the very near future.
It should be noted that while I simply CANNOT be online ALL the time, I will try to be online at least ON OCCASION.

We are also available via IRLP as well. What is IRLP you say??? IRLP stands for Internet Radio Linking Project and its website can be found by clicking here It is basically a bunch of VHF and UHF repeaters which are linkable using DTMF commands transmitted to "nodes". I can be found on the N0PSR Node courtesy of the Rocky Mountain Radio League

However, as with my webcam and instant messaging software, I simply cannot be on the air 24/7. If you NEED to contact me, but cannot raise me through any other means, you can simply Email Me or (if you prefer), you can simply leave your message on ICQ and I will get it next time I log. You can also leave a message on my cam page in the appropriate place or by Signing The Gustbook

SPAMMERS TAKE NOTE - I REPORT THE RECEIVING OF SUCH MESSAGES TO OFFENDING ISPs!!! My name and email aliases are both VERY well known to Abuse Handlers!!! To See MY policy on dealing with spam, click on the arrow below.....

As many of you have gathered by now, I have decided to yank the audio and video database of stations which broadcast over the Internet. I have done this for several reasons. One of which being it was just simply becoming too much of a monter to keep updating. Another reason was the time I had to commit to it (which was about NONE). and another was, of course, copyright concerns which have gripped the entire broadcast industry. Though I hope to have some ham, shortwave, and scanner related stuff online very soon.

At this time, I am NOT asking for requests for other scanner stuff until I list the ones I am aware of. Once that is complete, THEN I will start taking requests (and will revise the KB0OXD CyberShack News to that effect).

You may have noticed the missing kids applets and the Columbine Memorial section at the top of the page. This is to stress the importance of PUBLIC & COMMUNITY SERVICE in Ham Radio and as such, that section will stay there unless there's an overwhelming amount of objections to it being there.

In addition, we must NEVER forget what happen at Columbine High School and as a Colorado Ham Radio Operator, I plan to continue to do my part by offering space on my websites to this very worthy cause. I also encourage other Hams to do the same on their sites as well.

I will soon be applying for a vanity call sign. When this goes through and my new vanity call has been posted on the various Internet databases, this site will most likely be transferred over to a new account. I will promptly advise everyone in some form when my application has been put in the mail, however do be advised that the transfer could happen WITHOUT (or with VERY LITTLE) notice. As such, I will soon apply for a Yahoo! Grojups listing so you can receive these site news updates via email.

This will also help facilitate the announcement of any changes during this transitional time period. Once I have applied for a Yahoo! Groups list and received the code to put on our website, the KB0OXD Cybershack News will be updated to indicate this. I also hope to have detailed information on what can be expected once my application DOES go into the mail so that you know what to expect. I will be speaking with Al Waller, K3TKJ and Mike Crane, KC5GJN (or whoever is in charge of these things at HamsNet) shortly to get the low down on what *I* can expect. I will pass this information on to you just as soon as I get it myself (assuming its newsworthy and appropriate for inclusion in the KB0OXD Cybershack News).

And finally, there's also a possibility I could be broadcasting on either broadcast AM or FM with one of those new small-wattage transmitters, however this is a long term goal. Stay Tuned.

And with that, that's the VERY latest from the KB0OXD Cybershack Newsroom.

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