Saturday, May 28, 2011

Field Day 2011 Plans

Some of you may have heard that won't be working Field Day 2011 at all this year. Well this has (Hopefully!) changed!

Thanks to some PERFECT timing (And my new apartment!), I WILL be working Field Day 2011 after all.

Thanks to this antenna which I plan to get from the local candy store next month & my ICOM IC 706 MKII-G rig, I plan to work the following bands & modes on Field Day this year.....


6 Meters
10 Meters (Technician portion only)


6 Meters
10 Meters (Where my licence allows me to work of course)
15 Meters (Where my licence allows me to work & if the band is open of course)
40 Meters (Where my licence allows me to work of course)

Now since I don't have the eye-hand coordination needed to properly work a Morse Code keyer (And even I did, I lack the neurological skills needed to decipher Morse Code anyhow), I'm afraid I'll be limited to a freebie computerized morse code program that can translate the code to text. Short of that, I won't be working CW at all

I'll also be streaming my activities on Hams On Cams via my UStream TV Channel as well

So, there you have it. Going from not working Field Day 2011 at all to working some HF on Field Day!!

Now I just have to hope that OLD MAN MURPHY stays away & doesn't strike (Knocking HARD on wood) :)